Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Beltane, the dancing sun

Samhain is my favorite holiday. Beltane my second favorite. But a close second.

The Summer festival is wonderful time of year, it makes me feel energized and not much different than the Energizer Bunny. I want to CLEAN things! and organize things! And let's not forget friends and May Pole dancing and the ritual around the roaring fire. Woohoo!

My manic side is showing through, I'd apologize, but I'm not really sorry. Try to keep up. :-)

Last weekend, I spent a whole day surrounded by pagans, young and old and everything in between. My 6 year old dancing and running around being a free spirit, shouting So Be It!

There was much laughter and good humor and venders with their wares.

The May Queen and her Consort, the men bringing in the May Pole "thrusting" it into the hole suggestively. The innuendos abounded. lol!

We had about 50 dancing with ribbons around the May Pole. Faces of friends whirling past, a smile on every face.

This. This is what being a pagan means to me.

Beltane is a re-newal of life. Winter is behind us and the Summer ahead.

The next day, I was still full of energy and after cleaning the house, I also weeded the garden and prepared the beds for a few plantings. The kids playing in the grass and the warm air blowing against my skin. It felt like such a magical weekend.

Made me forget how crazy the Friday before had been. I had a million errands to run and my car died just as I was finishing. It was rather perfect timing though... I had finished all the errands and was in line to pick up some chicken for dinner and was ready to go pick up the kids. I get handed my food. Car dies.

I can't get it started. Thankfully, several people came and helped me push the vehicle into a parking spot. I try to call me hubby at work. I only have 45 minutes before the kid's daycare closes. My phone is turned off for some reason. It's not working. I had to borrow a phone, call hubby about 4 times in a row to get him to answer this odd number coming up on his caller ID.

He happens to be on break and comes to get me and the kids (just in the nick of time).

This week I am working on re-formatting a Freyablot ritual I found online. I recieve assignments from my Temple regularly and this year I was asked to create a presentation on something. It could be anything, but I decided to show my Farm and talk about using sustainable resources, no pesticides and earth-friendly practices. The assignment was to include a ritual and it seemed a land blessing ritual would work well in this instance. I asked for help directing me towards a Norse Ritual because that is what I am studying now. Someone suggested an Acerblot and other land-taking rites. I found the Freyablot while researching.

Freya is definately my kind of Goddess. And the blot (ritual) is usually celebrated in May.

I am going to finish the details and talk about Freya and the Freyablot in my next update.

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