Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Holiday Wrap Up and Looking Ahead

Happy Holidays to everyone.

I have been working on a post about Cultural Appropriation but with the holiday times, I just couldn't finish it yet.

I love holiday time and I hate holiday time.

I live for making my kids happy and we do the traditional things like set up our Yule/Christmas tree, decorate the house with lights. Make cookies and of course pumpkin/gingerbread lattes. yummo.

The down side is too many things and not enough energy to go around. During the year, I occasionally get into short little funks. I get holiday funk too, But when the regular funk meets holiday funk, they make messy little FUNKY babies and make me terribly irritable and I don't feel like doing anything at all. I still DO things because I am reliable and always do what is necessary. But boy am I glad it is all done now.

I don't typically make New Years Resolutions per say. BUT, I do like to make a list of things I want to do or look forward to.  Prioritize if you will.

So, what am doing this year?

Let's see.

For the Moonpath CUUPS
1. I am going to promise to teach another 2 Topics, I have not picked them yet, so if anyone wants to throw one or 2 my way, please do. I am thinking of a crafting day perhaps? a dance around the fire day? Or a story day (everyone brings a 3 minute story?)

2. I will join the inner circle of leadership... hopefully. You guys in charge vote for me so I can do more helpful things. You know you love me. I'm awesome.  :-D

For my Sisterhood
1. I am going to lead a workshop of some sort and I know that the sorting jar will pick me and I'll will facilitate a monthly ritual too.
2. Get the Green Temple out there with a Quarterly Event and Monthly Blog post (Go check us out here)
3. Continue THIS blog as my journal. My next few topics will be Cultural Appropriation, Ogam Sticks and Runes and then about all the various Spring Festivals such as MardiGra,  Busójárás, the Hungarian Easter Watering of the Virgins, Ostara and more.

:insert picture of girl getting watered when Blogger lets me do it:

For My Kids:
1. Girl Scouting events - 1 every other month and 1 meeting biweekly (AM I going to be a troop leader? we shall see.......)
2. Goddess & Me/PeeWee Pagans - 1 meeting every month and Earth Day Clean Up Day

For Me
1. Archery - every other week practice, go to 2 SCA events
2. Sew myself a pair of Hun pants and an overcoat
3. Learn Card Weaving
4. Read a book a month

:insert picture of female archer when Blogger quits acting like a baby because I want to upload a picture:

There. That should keep me busy. Busy=Happy.

I swear if anyone knew how much stuff I do a week including working full-time, keeping my kids fed, clean and homeworked-up, you'd wonder if there were 2 of me. There isn't. I SWEAR. You can come out of your Armageddon-Shelter now.

I'm off to study for my Civics Test for Citizenship now. I'm being tested and interviewed tomorrow! Which means I'm going to officially be an American after living here for almost 30 years. Wish me luck.

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